A few weeks ago, I attended Katrina Sawa’s Love and Money Live event in Sacramento. In anticipation of speaking about Don’t Stop Now, Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life, I’ve been attending her monthly meetup for speakers and entrepreneurs. Her live event sounded like fun.
I figured I’d be one of the older attendees, but that was not the case. There were many of us—mostly women—in the fifty-to-sixty age range who showed up to learn how to get more love in life and money in life and in business. To be honest, I thought I was past the point of being an entrepreneur, but Katrina got my juices flowing.
I came to the workshop with an open mind, without expectations. It didn’t take long for me to start asking myself questions. What am I passionate about? What can I do for the next ten to fifteen years that will make a difference to me and to others? How can I make the world a better place? And what can I do to make money to travel, help my kids, and remodel my house?
As it turns out, I can do a lot. Some of the options I’m contemplating are:
- Coaching and consulting. Helping speakers, business owners, and others write their books—in person and online.
- Writing books for other people. I’ve done that before and it’s always been rewarding.
- Teaching writing workshops. This is something I love to do. It’s always been in person, but the internet creates unlimited possibilities.
- Videotaping my workshops to create online products.
- Writing more books.
- Starting a podcast for the fifty-plus crowd, interviewing experts, and sharing helpful information.
- Public speaking on topics of interest to the demographic of our book and on other motivational topics as well.
- Hosting writing retreats in exotic lands. Now we’re talking!
Once the ideas start to flow, there’s really no end. No matter what I choose, one thing is certain. There’s no time for being bored in my future. If my work brings me and the people in my life more love and money, well, what could be better than that?
How can you bring more love and money into your life? If you have more money than you need, how can you use it to make the world a better place?
Jan Fishler, MA, is currently co-authoring a new book, Don’t Stop Now, Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life (DontStopNow.us). She is also the author of Searching for Jane, Finding Myself (An Adoption Memoir), and has written several articles about alternative health and PTSD. You can learn more about Jan at www.JanFishler.net.
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