I’m done! I was cleaning out a drawer and found an undated note I’d written to myself. One side of the paper said “I’m done!”—underlined twice. On the flip side was a list of things I wanted to be finished with. I’m guessing I wrote the note some time during 2015 or 2016 when I was working my way out of a confusing and depressing period of my life.
My “I’m done!” list is still a work in progress.
Because we all go through difficult times, I thought I’d post this list in case it helps someone else. Many of the items could be the beginning of a future post. I’ve already written about some of these topics (see links below), and have more to say about others. Stay tuned.
If any of this speaks to you, please add to the list in the comments section. What are ready to say “I’m done” about?
- Saying yes when I mean no
- Pretending I care when I don’t
- Proving myself
- Caring if people like me
- Doing instead of being
- Trying too hard to accomplish __________
- Caring what other people think
- Lying to myself and to others
- Eating instead of speaking my truth
- Drinking wine to cover my feelings or as a way of coping
- Eating bad food
- Doing what’s right
- Giving and not getting
- Helping too much
- Complaining
- Expecting
- Hoping
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